As a Community, We Must Take Action to Make a Difference

In the United States, more than 47,000 people die from suicide each year. It is the second leading cause of death among our youth age 15-24 and the 10th leading cause overall.  We understand that Foster’s Voice will not be able to solve this epidemic alone, which is why we empower as many as we can with the tools to change their lives and the lives of others. Changing the world, one person at a time.  

Your Gift Can Save Lives!

When you donate to Foster’s Voice, your generosity helps people in need find hope in the face of depression, loneliness, and grief.  Your gift provides education and resources as well as compassion and support.

Foster’s Voice, Inc is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is 100% tax-deductible. Please keep your email donation receipt for your tax records. If for some reason, you do not receive your electronic copy, please email, to request it.

Donate Here!

Impact Stories

Spreading Foster’s Voice, one person at a time…

“I am a part of the UTHS Foster’s Voice Suicide Awareness Club for the people around me. I know people that struggle, each differently and at a different level. I also struggle at times. I joined this club so I could be better equipped to help not only myself, but the people around me, and be that light for them when they need it most. I AM FOSTER’S VOICE”

– Landon Slyter

“I have struggled with my mental health for most of my young adult and adult life, and I honestly wish in my younger years a foundation like Foster's Voice existed. Foster's Voice has created a safe space for anyone to talk about their struggles, to open up about their mental health, their grief, their feelings and still feel loved and accepted. While I wish that this organization didn't come at a cost, the loss of Foster, the tragedy really has created light in an otherwise dark subject. I've lost loved ones to suicide and watched loved ones suffer through those same losses. I believe those who are gone needed Foster's Voice. But their death left us, the friends, family, & coworkers, needing Foster's Voice even more. I'm thankful that I could refer those who are grieving, and feeling lost to Foster's Voice, because the pain won't go away, but you don't have to handle it alone.”

– Shianne Grimm

“Honestly men normally do not show up to talk about mental health; or simply just be in a room that are all men and just listen how others are doing is powerful in the feelings and need to know, as men, we are not alone! To have a place where I can share ANYTHING openly, safely with other men and receive in return pure genuine honest love and support without blame or judgement has changed my life. And to build each other up, as men in our community doing projects to make our group and the community stronger. Foster Atwood has made me a better man and continues to through ‘Foster’s Voice St. Michael’s Men’s Group’. I feel like Foster continues to make the world a better place in way no one could have imagined!”

– Jeff Banks

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